Get to know us!
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Durham
We've been in your neighbourhood since 1997...
From the beginning, ours has been an inclusive and accepting community for both children and adults from all religious backgrounds, cultures and lifestyles. Together, we have built a religious home that encourages an individual search for truth and meaning within an atmosphere of spiritual renewal. Our core values include freedom of religious expression and respect of religious ideas. Knowing we are part of the interdependent web, we celebrate the mystery of life in the universe. Whether you believe in a loving God or find inspiration in the wonders of the world, you are welcome in our open spiritual community.
Our primary symbol is the flaming chalice. We light the chalice at the beginning of each service to honour the divine light of life that exists within each being. Our seasonal year is marked by several rituals, from our water in-gathering ceremony in September to our flower ceremony in June.
Unitarian Universalism
Compared to other faiths, Unitarian Universalism is a new tradition. Both Unitarianism and Universalism arose out of Protestant Christianity but both broke away in the twentieth century, refusing to let creeds define their tradition, each encouraging their members to freedom of thought and belief. Today we are a new kind of religious tradition, one not based on creed, but on understanding the connections between people, the planet and the universe.
In our daily lives we strive to live by our seven principles which are focused on respecting people and the interdependent web of life. When our spirits are in need of renewal, we turn to our six sources, each finding the way which carries the most meaning. For some it is time in nature, for others the discoveries of science. Some are renewed by quiet meditation on sacred texts, others by prayer. Unitarian Universalism offers a supportive framework for living well, while expecting each of us to discern for ourselves who we are and what we need.
For more information about Unitarian Universalism in Canada, visit the Canadian Unitarian Council
Compared to other faiths, Unitarian Universalism is a new tradition. Both Unitarianism and Universalism arose out of Protestant Christianity but both broke away in the twentieth century, refusing to let creeds define their tradition, each encouraging their members to freedom of thought and belief. Today we are a new kind of religious tradition, one not based on creed, but on understanding the connections between people, the planet and the universe.
In our daily lives we strive to live by our seven principles which are focused on respecting people and the interdependent web of life. When our spirits are in need of renewal, we turn to our six sources, each finding the way which carries the most meaning. For some it is time in nature, for others the discoveries of science. Some are renewed by quiet meditation on sacred texts, others by prayer. Unitarian Universalism offers a supportive framework for living well, while expecting each of us to discern for ourselves who we are and what we need.
For more information about Unitarian Universalism in Canada, visit the Canadian Unitarian Council
I’ve been with UUCD now for three years. The lectures and services are fresh, educational and inspiring. The wisdom of our Minster, guest speakers, and congregants gives food for thought and growth for the soul. I wish we knew about UUCD when our children were young, so they could experience a holistic approach to their spiritual growth. ...... |