Frequently Asked Questions
What can I believe?
You can... take personal responsibility for your own religious life.
We are a non-doctrinal spiritual community that practices respect for all faiths, in addition to upholding reason, tolerance and love. We offer a place to share questions and doubts without judgment, and are a community that practices spirituality through deep care and connection with our world and with each other.
We are a non-doctrinal spiritual community that practices respect for all faiths, in addition to upholding reason, tolerance and love. We offer a place to share questions and doubts without judgment, and are a community that practices spirituality through deep care and connection with our world and with each other.
What are UU Principles?
Being a Unitarian Universalist means respect for the beliefs of others, and searching for shared values. At UUCD we provide an atmosphere of stimulating ideas, spiritual nourishment and community support so that you are free to discover the best that is in you.
Unitarian Universalists affirm and promote:
Unitarian Universalists affirm and promote:
- The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
- Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
- Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth;
- A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
- The rights of conscience and the use of the democratic process;
- The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
- Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
- Individual and communal action that accountably dismantles racism and systemic barriers to full inclusion in ourselves and our institutions.
What should I wear?
You can... wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.
At UUCD we’re not concerned with what you wear. Most people will dress in casual attire, but dress how you feel comfortable and you’ll fit right in.
At UUCD we’re not concerned with what you wear. Most people will dress in casual attire, but dress how you feel comfortable and you’ll fit right in.
What is a "Welcoming Congregation"?
You can...feel welcome, regardless of your sexual identity, sexual orientation or gender.
We are a Welcoming Congregation, which means that UUCD has completed a Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) program and passed a congregational vote to affirm that we welcome the membership and active participation of the LGBTQ community.
We are a Welcoming Congregation, which means that UUCD has completed a Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) program and passed a congregational vote to affirm that we welcome the membership and active participation of the LGBTQ community.
What about my kids?
You can... bring your children. Our Religious Exploration program and childcare are staffed by carefully screened volunteers, under the direction of our Religious Exploration Teacher. At UUCD, we believe children have a right to explore spiritual topics in an open and age-appropriate way. Families are warmly welcomed. For more information on our children and youth programing see the "Families" Tab.
When should I arrive?
Sunday morning services start at 10:30 am. Please arrive a few minutes early to find your seat. Join us after the service for coffee and conversation.