In January 2018, Michelle spoke to UUCD about the Promise of Inclusion leading up to the Parliament of the World’s Religions. Post-Parliament, she will share her experience about the Reality of Inclusion and the lessons she learned along the way.
We live in times of political turmoil and polarization, where lines are drawn and sides taken. Our fifth Unitarian Universalist principle is "the right of conscience and use of the democratic process in our congregations and in society at large." Given our commitment to both democracy and the inherent worth and dignity of every person, how do we engage respectfully?
In "The Moneyless Man," Mark Boyle shares his story of living for three years without making or spending any money at all, living instead in the gift economy: the economy of trade, gift, and sharing. Given that most of us don't plan to go as far as he did, what does it mean to live in the gift? What are some untraditional ways of sharing our resources, or perhaps traditional ways long forgotten?
On the first Sunday of the new year, Peter Lauricella will lead a multigenerational service, where we let go of something less desirable to make room for what will come. Everyone will be encouraged to list on a piece of flash paper, some things or some habits that they would like to release. Then write on a square of colored paper something that they would like to attract during the new year. Flash paper and colored paper will be provided. Multigenerational service, so no RE classes. Children will remain for the service.
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April 2022